Tadi khola Hydro power project
Project Type

Hydro Power


Aadishakti Bidhut Bikash Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Scope of Work

All civil Work of the Project Structure

Project Start Date


Project End Date

1 Feb, 2013

Tadi khola Hydro power project

The Mailung Khola Hydropower Project, located in the Nuwakot district within the Central Development Region of Nepal, is a 5 MW run-of-river scheme harnessing the Tadi Khola. The project's geographical coordinates range from approximately 27º 55' 36" N to 27º 55' 00" N latitude and 85º 21' 08" E to 85º 19' 15" E longitude. The intake site is situated in Tadi Rural Municipality-4, while the powerhouse site is in Tadi Rural Municipality-3. The scheme employs a boulder-riprap with RCC cutoffs weir type, with a weir crest level and static water level at 798.50 masl. The gross head is 74.12 m, providing a net head of 65.60 m. The design discharge is 8.91 m3/sec, supporting an installed capacity of 5 MW. The project exhibits a robust hydrological profile, covering a catchment area of 247 km2, a design discharge of 8.91 m3/s, and a design flood discharge matching the 1 in 100-year flood event. The intake structure features side intakes with two openings of 3.2 m (B) × 2.4 m (H) and an invert level of 795.60 masl. The sluiceway comprises two openings sized at 2.8 m (B) × 2.5 m (H) with an invert level of 794.00 masl. The desanding basin includes two chambers with a parallel section dimension of 44 m × 5.0 m × 6.1 m and a forebay sized at 10.0 m (L) × 6.4 m (Avg. B) × 8.25 m (H). A 270.31 m RCC culvert with a clear opening of 2.0 m × 2.0 m is part of the infrastructure, along with a penstock measuring 1770.00 m in length, 1.9 m internal diameter, and encased with shotcreting. The powerhouse is a surface type with dimensions of 25.80 m × 16.20 m × 16.20 m, and it accommodates two horizontal axis Francis turbines. These turbines, with a rated flow of 4.45 m3/s, operate at a rated net head of 65.84 m, producing a total rated power of 2.621 kW at 750 rpm. The runway speed is set at 1246.80 rpm, ensuring efficient energy generation from the Tadi Khola.

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